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contactmedword @
Note: Please review the points below before asking a question:
- Medword cannot offer personal advice on how to start any type of business;
- Medword cannot offer any kind of medical or medication advice;
- Medword cannot loan you money to start your business;
- Medword cannot offer computer or software configuration advice;
- Medword cannot offer anyone free courses or products;
- Medword does not answer medical word spelling questions;
- Medword does not answer medical word definition questions;
- Medword does not place people in medical transcription jobs;
- Medword does not sell and/or export any prescription drugs;
Many questions can be asked and answered at the Medword MT Gab Community Forum.
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Any "required" personal information or optional information submitted with any Medword contact forms may be used by Medword for general demographic purposes, mainly to improve site navigation and content. Medword does not respond to all these forms but may review the contents for informational purposes. Medword will never sell or share your e-mail address or any information you volunteer. For emphasis, we repeat: Medword will never sell or share your e-mail address or any information you volunteer. Please see our
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