Physician Dictation Guide:
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Physician Dictation Guide:
Page 1

A Hard Pill To Swallow

Dictating is an acquired skill. If you dictate, you might enjoy reading some of the “Dos” and “Don'ts” of dicating - if you can take it. Some have said it is a “real eye-opener.” In spite of the emphasis these days for speed and accuracy in “the electronic patient record,” most med schools seem to completely ignore the physician's role in the extremely important area of dictation technique. Rather, it seems most medical schools expect new doctors to learn dictation skills on their own and this thereby leaves everyone else to clean up the inevitable mess. Unfortunately, a physician usually picks up the dictation style of a mentor - and, if the mentor has them, all their mistakes, bad habits, etc., along with it.

Some physicians need to ask for help from their transcriptionist regarding dictation technique but, for whatever reason, cannot. We have therefore published this very basic set of guidelines to help those who may not want to ask for help. The following points are simple, basic guidelines to follow when dictating medical reports. They are certainly not complete. If you are a physician reading this and find that you do not already follow most of these guidelines, maybe you should review your dictation skills and ask for help from your transcriptionist if you need it. If you follow these recommendations, transcriptionists will be more likely to produce transcription of your dictation in an accurate and timely fashion.

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