These are acronyms & abbreviations used by some social service agencies in the United States and Canada.
ACSES | Automated Child Support Enforcement System |
AFDC/ADC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children (predecessor to TANF) |
ALJ | Administrative Law Judge |
APS | Adult Protective Services |
ATP | Authorization to Participate (Food Stamps) |
ASH | Manual - Assistance Standards Handbook (N.J. Public Assistance Regulations) |
BCBSS | Burlington County Board of Social Services |
CAS | Children's Aid Society |
CCPED | Community Care Program (Medicaid Program for the Elderly & Disabled) |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment (SSA) |
CSP | Child Support and Paternity |
CWA | County Welfare Agency |
DDD | Division of Developmental Disabilities |
DEA | Division of Economic Assistance (Renamed-DFD 7-92) |
DES | Division of Employment Security |
DFD | Division of Family Development (Previously DEA) |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services (Federal) |
DHS | Department of Human Services (State) |
DHSS | Department of Health and Senior Services (State) |
DMAHS | Div. of Medical Assistance & Health Services. (Medicaid) |
DOL | Dept. of Labor |
DOP | Dept. of Personnel (Civil Service) |
DRS | Disability Review Section (Medical Review Team) |
DVRS | Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
DYFS | Division of Youth and Family Services |
EA | Emergency Assistance (TANF/SSI) |
EITC/EIC | Earned Income Tax Credit |
EPSDT | Early Periodic Screening & Diagnostic Treatment |
ES | Employment Service |
E & T | Employment and Training (Food Stamp Work Program) |
FAMIS | Family Assistance Management Information System (Computer System) |
FDP | Family Development Program (NJ Training \ Employment Program) |
FCS | Food and Consumer Service (Responsible for USDA-Food Stamp regulations) |
FNS | Food and Nutrition Service (UDSA agency-Renamed FCS) |
FSM | Manual - Food Stamp Manual (N.J. Regulations) |
FSP | Food Stamp Program |
GA | General Assistance (Public Assistance for individuals or couples without dependents. Administered either by Municipality or BCBSS.) |
HEA/HEAP | Home Energy Assistance Program |
HRDI | Human Resources Development Institute (State Training) |
HUA | Heating Utility Allowance (Food Stamp Program) |
IEVS | Income Eligibility Verification System |
IMT | Income Maintenance Technician |
IMW | Income Maintenance Worker |
JOBS | Job Opportunity and Basic Skills (Federal Employment / Training Program) |
JTPA | Job Training Partnership Act |
LMAU | Local Medicaid Assistance Unit (NDO) |
LOOPS | Unemployment Compensation Information System (Computer System) |
LRR | Legally Responsible Relative |
LTC | Long Term Care Facility (Nursing Home) |
MAA | Medical Assistance for the Aged (Discontinued Program) |
MCA | Maximum Coupon Allotment (Food Stamps) |
MDO | Medicaid District Office (LMAU) |
MOM | Manual - Medicaid Only Manual (N.J. Regulations) |
MOS | Medical Outstationing (Medicaid Outreach in Hospitals) |
NJAC | New Jersey Administrative Code (State Regulations ) |
NJES | New Jersey Employment Service |
NPA | Non-Public Assistance (Food Stamps) |
OAL | Office of Administrative Law (State) |
OMEGA | FDP Computer System |
OTIS | Office Of Telecommunication & Information System (State) |
PA | Public Assistance |
PAM | Manual - Public Assistance Manual (N.J. Regulations) |
PEPW | Presumptively Eligible Pregnant Woman |
PNA/PIE | Personal Needs Allowance / Personal Incidental Expenses |
RA | Rental Assistance (BCBSS Subsidy - Not Section 8) |
REACH | Realizing Economic Achievement (Replaced 11-95 by FDP) |
RHCF | Residential Health Care Facility (Boarding Rome) |
RSDI | Retirement Survivors Disability Insurance (Social Security) |
SADU | Systems Analysis and Development Unit (State Computer Unit) |
SAVE | Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements |
SDX/SDXI | State Data Exchange Index (List of State SSI recipients) |
SMI | Supplemental Medical Insurance (Part B of Medicare) |
SSA | Social Security Benefits (Aged / Blind / Disabled / Survivors) |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income (Assistance Program thru SBA office for Aged / Blind / Disabled persons who are indigent) |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
TDI | Temporary Disability insurance (State) |
TPL | Third Party Liability (Health Insurance) |
TRA | Temporary Rental Assistance (Subsidy Payment) |
UIB | Unemployment Insurance Benefits |
USDA | United States Dept. of Agriculture (Food Stamps) |
VA | Veterans Administration |
VIMS | Verification of Income and Monitoring system (IEVS Form) |
WFNJ | Work First New Jersey |
WR | Work Registrant (Food Stamps) |